View Full Version : QAction with QPushButton

25th January 2014, 23:35
Hello! QAction is meant to work together with QPushButtons, right? Somehow it doesn't work out for me. I defined a QAction and it works nicely on a QMenuBar, but when I try to add it to a QPushButton, nothing happens. I mean the button doesn't trigger the action. Here is my code.

QAction* recordAction = new QAction(tr("&Record"), this);
recordAction->setToolTip(tr("Toggles recording."));
connect(recordAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(record()));

QMenuBar* menuBar = new QMenuBar();


The button and the whole ui has been created with Qt Designer.
What am I doing wrong?

26th January 2014, 02:09
I think this questions is similar to yours: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16703039/pyqt-can-a-qpushbutton-be-assigned-a-qaction

26th January 2014, 20:28
Use QToolButton to get a button that triggers the action. QPushButton::addAction() (inherited from QWidget) adds the action to its context (right click) menu.

27th January 2014, 00:34
Quite frankly, I'm somewhat disappointed with this part. After not being able to use QAction with QPushButton in a simple way, I decided to add QActions directly to a QMenuBar. I already have a QMenuBar anyways and it would be great if I didn't have to define an additional QToolBar and all the QToolButtons to put in it. I would only have one thin bar on the top of the screen with a couple of drop down menus and a few "buttons" to press to trigger actions. Perfectly suitable for my application. Well it does kind of work as in I get my buttons and they can trigger the connected actions. The problem is that the QActions inside the QMenuBar don't deliver all the promised nifty features, like showing a tool tip or being checkable. Admittedly, perhaps I'm not doing something right, so here is my code:

QAction* saveStateAction = new QAction(tr("&Save State"), this);
saveStateAction->setToolTip(tr("Saves the state history.")); // No tool tip ever shows up.
connect(saveStateAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveStateHistory()));

QAction* loadStateAction = new QAction(tr("&Load State"), this);
loadStateAction->setToolTip(tr("Loads the state history."));
connect(loadStateAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadStateHistory()));

QAction* recordAction = new QAction(tr("Record"), this);
recordAction->setCheckable(true); // Checkable makes no difference.
recordAction->setToolTip(tr("Toggles recording."));
connect(recordAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(record()));

QMenuBar* menuBar = new QMenuBar();
QMenu* fileMenu = menuBar->addMenu(tr("&File"));
fileMenu->addAction(saveStateAction); // Inside a QMenu checkable works, but no tool tip.

menuBar->addSeparator(); // The separator doesn't do anything either...
menuBar->addAction(" "); // ...so I hacked this for now. Would love to disable this button, but can't.

menuBar->addAction(recordAction); // The actions added to the menu directly are not checkable and no tool tip shows up.

Were my expectations too high that it could be done so simply, or did I overlook something in the documentation?

27th January 2014, 08:26
it would be great if I didn't have to define an additional QToolBar and all the QToolButtons to put in it.

If you don't want to use a QToolBar, don't use a QToolBar.

The replies so far suggested to use a QToolButton instead of QPushButton.


27th January 2014, 13:37
It seems that QToolButtons were meant to be inside a QToolBar, so that's why I brought that up. But essentially, I would like to avoid using any kind of button all together and just use QActions inside a QMenuBar. Any comments on why the features named above don't work?

27th January 2014, 21:19
The separator doesn't do anything either...
I have never seen an application using separators in the menu bar. It seems like Qt doesn't support that feature.
You might want to use a stylesheet to achieve spacing between menu items: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/stylesheet-examples.html#customizing-qmenubar

Inside a QMenu checkable works, but no tool tip.
Same here. I don't think that tool tips are commonly used in menu entries and thus not be supported by QMenu.

28th January 2014, 01:42
It seems that QToolButtons were meant to be inside a QToolBar, so that's why I brought that up. But essentially, I would like to avoid using any kind of button all together and just use QActions inside a QMenuBar. Any comments on why the features named above don't work?
A QAction is not a visual element it is the abstract representation of an action that can be triggered by anything that can be connected to its trigger() (or toggle()) slot. This can be a visual element (or elements) like a QPushButton, QToolButton, QMenu, or another non-visual elements like a QTimer.

If you have a QPushButton and want clicking it to trigger the action then connect QPushButton::clicked() to QAction::trigger(). If you want to save yourself a few seconds then use QToolButton which does this automatically. You can put a QToolButton anywhere you can put a widget, it does not have to be on a QToolBar although that is a typical use.

The QToolButton will show the tool tip of its default action.
The QPushButton does not know about the action you have loosely coupled it to so displays its own (blank) tool tip.

Want an action on a QMenuBar? Just add it, and a menu "button" will be created for you. If you are going to have a menu bar without any menus though just use QToolBar and then you will get the tooltips from the QToolButtons (you can get drop down menus on QToolButtons too).

QMenu does not show the tool tip of the actions under most (any?) styles.
QMenuBar::addSeparator() does work if the style supports it.

Your fake separator can be made non-clickable by disabling the action but the style may still show hover effects.

QAction *fakeSeparator = mb->addAction(" ");

I don't know how difficult sub-classing QMenuBar and forcing the separator support would be (and don't have time to find out for you).

28th January 2014, 04:06
Thank you for the useful comments. At least the fake separator problem has been solved, as disabling the action has exactly the desired effect. It is clear to me that QAction is not a visual element. However, it seems to be an intended way to add them directly to a menu bar and since this is perfectly legitimate, it's such a pity that tool tips and checkable don't work. Nonetheless, for my special case, the simplicity of this solution trumps the overhead of defining explicit buttons and dealing with a layout to add the buttons to, even if I have to go without tool tips and checkables. It just makes me wonder why there are three different concepts that work in different ways (QPushButton, QToolButton, and QAction in QMenuBar or QMenu), where all of them are essentially just clickable buttons that trigger actions. To me as a user of the Qt framework this appears to be a place that could perhaps use a think over.

28th January 2014, 04:46
QPushButton and QToolButton are both QAbstractButtons, with the former being more general purpose than the latter which is better suited to a Command Pattern usage. QMenuBar and QMenu is a hierarchical presentation of QActions rendered in a familiar UI fashion. (Either button type can have a context menu also) The range of options represents the range of common UI widgets on the various platforms Qt started on.

Checkable does work with an action in the QMenuBar. The QAction is marked checked and any QToolButton or QMenu items attached to that action are rendered "checked" when the item in the QMenuBar is clicked. The QMenuBar does not expect a menu to be on/off and consequently does not render a distinct "checked" look (this you could override if you really wanted). If you want a permanently opened menu then the tearoff function is available. Really though it sounds like you want a tool bar not a menu.

#include <QtGui>

class MainWindow: public QMainWindow {
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *p = 0): QMainWindow(p) {
QAction *a = new QAction("Futz About", this);
a->setToolTip("I will futz about on command");
connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(futzAbout()));

QMenuBar *mb = menuBar();
mb->addAction(a); // <<<< try clicking this guy and watch the others change

QMenu *menu = new QMenu("A Menu", this);

QPushButton *pb = new QPushButton("Futz QPushButton", this);
connect(pb, SIGNAL(clicked()), a, SLOT(trigger()));

QToolButton *tb = new QToolButton(this);

QWidget *content = new QWidget(this);
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(content);

private slots:
void futzAbout() {
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;
return app.exec();
#include "main.moc"

28th January 2014, 08:56
It seems that QToolButtons were meant to be inside a QToolBar, so that's why I brought that up.

Yes, you brought that up to rant instead of trying a suggested solution. Well done!

But essentially, I would like to avoid using any kind of button all together and just use QActions inside a QMenuBar.

Very nice!
Ranting about a proposed solution without even trying, trying something totally unrelated instead and ranting about that and all based on a question you didn't even want an answer for.

Definitely the way forward!

28th January 2014, 20:22
I find the concept of QActions very appealing in terms of defining all action related things like text, icon, tool tip, checkable, keyboard shortcut and what not in one place, pointing it to the slot that is to be triggered, and then attaching the action to a button or a menu. But apparently this concept has not been thoroughly implemented and the suggestions made in this thread so far are redirections to the parts of the framework that work well together with QAction.

Obviously, QPushButtons ignore an attached QAction altogether. This fact is what started this thread in the first place. The suggestion to connect a QPushButton to a QAction and then the QAction to a slot makes the QAction an obsolete link in the chain according to my sense of simplicity. Perhaps it makes more sense in a mixed scenario, where QPushButtons, QToolButtons and QMenus are used in combination, but even then, the QPushButton would stick out of the pattern, because you would have to manually set up things for them that you already defined in the QAction. I wonder how a QPushButton supporting a QAction (for example by at least triggering it), would impair its general purpose applicability in any way.

Ranting about a proposed solution without even trying, trying something totally unrelated instead and ranting about that and all based on a question you didn't even want an answer for.

You are jumping to uninformed conclusions here. I have tried the QToolButton suggestion even before I made my second post in this thread. Yes, the QToolButton seems to be the only object that actually does the job of supporting QActions all the way. At least I have tested the tool tip and the checkable feature and whether it triggers the attached action or not. But adding a QToolButton to a QMenuBar clashes with QMenus and QActions added to the QMenuBar, because QToolButtons are widgets that would like to be inside a layout, while QMenus and QActions do their own thing automatically. So either you introduce an additional QToolBar with a layout to add your QToolButtons to, or you design some kind of layout hack that allows for QToolButtons to coexist with QMenus and QActions in a QMenuBar in some magic way. I didn't elaborate on it in this detail in my second post, since I focused on the wonderful possibility of adding QActions to a QMenuBar without ever defining a button, a layout, or even an additional tool bar. I wonder if I managed to convey the idea of this "totally unrelated" approach more clearly this time.

Now, as it turns out, QActions in QMenuBars do not show the tool tip, nor do they render a visual feedback of checkability.

Checkable does work with an action in the QMenuBar. The QAction is marked checked and any QToolButton or QMenu items attached to that action are rendered "checked" when the item in the QMenuBar is clicked. The QMenuBar does not expect a menu to be on/off and consequently does not render a distinct "checked" look.

I understand that a QMenu in a QMenuBar does not need to be checkable, but a QAction in a QMenuBar is an entirely different thing. I don't see why it shouldn't be possible to visually support checkable and to show a tool tip in this case. Yes, QActions inside QMenus do support the checkable feature, but they also don't show the tool tip. And as tool tips and checkability are advertised parts of the QAction concept, I found these flaws disappointing.

QPushButton and QToolButton are both QAbstractButtons [...] QMenuBar and QMenu is a hierarchical presentation of QActions [...] The range of options represents the range of common UI widgets on the various platforms Qt started on.

While QToolBar and QToolButton, QPushButton, and QMenu and QMenuBar may have a slightly different purpose in UI widgets, their functionality is essentially the same. You click on them and you trigger an action. My "ranting" is an attempt to make the point that all these objects could support QAction in a unified way by implementing all the features (tool tip, checkable etc.) that are promised by its interface and documentation.

28th January 2014, 21:26
It's an open source project. If you want to change its behaviour then sign up, propose and gain agreement for the changes, write and submit them. Complaining about it endlessly here will not change anything. Fighting for changes that are visually different from the native UI look/guidelines for the respective platforms will be an uphill battle: tool tips on menu items being the obvious case in point.

29th January 2014, 09:58
Obviously, QPushButtons ignore an attached QAction altogether.

No. They just don't have any override implementation for actions, i.e. they treat QAction like any other widget.

I wonder how a QPushButton supporting a QAction (for example by at least triggering it), would impair its general purpose applicability in any way.

I don't think it would. Have you tried?

You are jumping to uninformed conclusions here.

Obviously I was jumping to a conclusion since there was strange change in topic. And of course it was uninformed since you did not provide any information.

The original scenario was triggering an action through a QPushButton.
And, given your insistence that it was always about menu bar: how did you add the QPushButton into the menu bar that does not work for the QToolButton?

So either you introduce an additional QToolBar with a layout to add your QToolButtons to

Whatever worked for your QPushButton should also work for a QToolButton.

Now, as it turns out, QActions in QMenuBars do not show the tool tip, nor do they render a visual feedback of checkability.

Have you checked if it is a style issue? Do non-Qt applications on the platform show tooltips or checkmarks in the menu bar?
