View Full Version : problem after Qt 4.2.2 static build

23rd February 2007, 10:53

I gave configure.exe -static and nmake to get a static build of 4.2.2 in a windows machine.

Now the static build is over, I created a newproject in visual studio.net 2003 using Qt Application template in QtProjects type, to add my existing projects files.

After rebuilding the application I am getting the following error,

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'qdom.h': No such file or directory

How to fix this one ?


23rd February 2007, 11:38
If you were using qmake, you would have to add "QT += xml" to your .pro file.

Try adding defining QT_XML_LIB macro.

23rd February 2007, 12:28
You can select "Add Qt Module" from the "Project" menu or from the context menu over the project item in the solution explorer.