View Full Version : Word wrapping

24th February 2007, 00:44
I have a QListWidget on a dialog that I want to enable word wrapping. I've tried this with and without horizontal scroll bars. I've call setWrapping (and not called it). I call setWordWrap() but I can't seem to get the strings to wrap to the size of the window.

What am I missing?

24th February 2007, 11:10
I suppose the word wrapping is used only in "icon mode". Are you using the "list mode"?

26th February 2007, 16:30
I think I may be using the wrong control. I'm trying to display a non-editable log file. I do need to allow the user to copy sections of the log. What control should I use to just display flat text data?
- Bruce

26th February 2007, 16:32
Maybe QTextEdit in read only mode? It would allow copy-pasting any part of the log, not just lines as it would be with a list.

26th February 2007, 16:33
That's what I was thinking. I will try that instead of a list widget.
