View Full Version : to diaplay registration page once in cascades..

17th February 2014, 07:16
I am making a registration app. after registration is done, user logs in.
Next time when user open the app login page should be displayed. Registraion page should b e diaplayed only firsttime I open the app.
Thanks in Advance...!!!

17th February 2014, 08:30
So write the program so it remembers that they have already registered.

17th February 2014, 11:11
You can make a QDialog with a check option to save/not save login credentials, and save/load settings with QSettings, and I recommend storing encrypted info for the login credentials as they are saved in the computer in plain text normaly.
Check this question for info about storing more "secure information". (http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/10115).