View Full Version : Executable file does not exist

18th February 2014, 06:44

I got this error while porting Qt4.8.5 to Qt 5.2 in window 7 with -mingw

Executatble D:/ .... /filename.exe doesnot exist.

When I compile, everything just fine. No error but this one.
However, when I check the release/debug folder, I see the .exe file but it did not named as the project name.
When I change it to the project name, it run well @@.

Thanks you for reading


PS: For porting 4.8.5 to 5.2 i just
- .pro file: Adding

CONFIG += qt
QT += core gui declarative
- ui_ header file:

replace QtGui by QtWidget
remove: QApplication::UnicodeUTF8

18th February 2014, 07:08
Did you do a complete rebuild of your project from source, using Qt5 tools, after cleaning out all the old intermediate files?

PS: For porting 4.8.5 to 5.2 i just
- .pro file: Adding
CONFIG += qt
QT += core guia

You almost certainly need:

QT += widgets

not "CONFIG += qt", and probably also need to define TARGET which is often missing in Qt4 PRO files. This leads me to suspect you have not done a clean rebuild of your program.

- ui_ header file: replace QtGui by QtWidget
remove: QApplication::UnicodeUTF8
You should not be modifying the ui*.h files at all. These are generated from your Designer form *.ui file during build.

18th February 2014, 07:27
I've tried

QT += widgets core gui

but it shows me error like

QtGui/QAction: No such file or directory

in any "ui_...h" file. Is there any way around to fixed this?
Btw, could you tell alittle bit more about TARGET?
Thanks you

That solves my problem.
Sorry for my stupid, I should remove ui_.. h file and rename the TARGET as well. :D