View Full Version : QSqlQuery::exec() returns false all the time

28th February 2014, 13:22
hi there, the function exec() in the code below returns false all the time and I've tried everything to fix it but without any success. Could I be missing something here. please help.

void MainWindow::query(QStringList qry)
QString qryStr = QString("INSERT INTO Modules VALUES(\"%1, %2 %3 %4\")").arg(qry.at(0)).arg(qry.at(1)).arg(qry.at(2)).arg (qry.at(3));
QSqlQuery query;

QMessageBox::critical(0, "DB Status","DATABASE UPDATED", QMessageBox::Ok);
QMessageBox::critical(0, "DB Status","DATABASE NOT UPDATED", QMessageBox::Ok);

28th February 2014, 13:47
Have u add database connection to sqlQuery?

28th February 2014, 14:06
I'm not sure if i know what you mean by "adding a database connection to SqlQuery" but i am going to tell you what I have done. I have pointed my program to the database and I have confirmed that the program is able to open the database and make changes to it, but this particular code I posted above is not doing what it should.

28th February 2014, 14:25
please show output of QSqlQuery::lastError()->text()

28th February 2014, 14:26
Never mind, I have fixed the problem. For those who might encounter the same problem is future, the problem was that i added double quotation marks inside the brackets instead of single quotation marks on this line of code QString qryStr = QString("INSERT INTO Modules VALUES(\"%1, %2 %3 %4\")").arg(qry.at(0)).arg(qry.at(1)).arg(qry.at(2)).arg (qry.at(3)); the correct line is QString qryStr = QString("INSERT INTO Modules VALUES('%1', '%2', '%3', '%4')").arg(qry.at(0)).arg(qry.at(1)).arg(qry.at(2)).arg (qry.at(3));

28th February 2014, 16:00
DO NOT DO WHAT YOU ARE DOING. You have multiple bad practices in play.
1. Always provide the fields for insert. What happens when the table gets altered and the column order changes?
2. It is VERY bad form to construct SQL as you are going. See this as for why (https://xkcd.com/327/). This is why/how people get online databases hacked.

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS use the bindValue interface.

void MainWindow::query(QStringList qry)
QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare("INSERT INTO Modules (A,B,C,D) VALUES(:a, :b, :c, d)");

query.bindValue(":a", qry[0]);
query.bindValue(":b", qry[1]);
query.bindValue(":c", qry[2]);
query.bindValue(":d", qry[3]);

QMessageBox::critical(0, "DB Status","DATABASE UPDATED", QMessageBox::Ok);
QMessageBox::critical(0, "DB Status","DATABASE NOT UPDATED", QMessageBox::Ok);

The bind interface:
1. prevents exploits, by performing the proper escaping in a database-engine specific manner.
2. is more potable between databases
3. does not use that ugly string of embedded quotes

The only time is it ok to not use it, is when you are sure the content is not ever user supplied.

If "Robert'); drop table students" is used in your query, what happens? your query fails, and if you have a students table, it sets dropped. Using bind parameters, you will get a field value of "Robert'); drop table students". And YES, I have seen this on systems with software I've written. (it wasn't Qt, but PHP at the time)

1st March 2014, 10:59
thank you Scorp2us. good advise.