View Full Version : Window / panel swipe animation

10th March 2014, 20:39

I am completely new to Qt having just installed Qt Creator on Linux. My employer is having our team evaluate a couple of GUI frameworks such as Qt, GTK+ and HTML5 for re-writing one of our large Embedded Linux applications.

I need some pointers on creating a Qt 5 application that has two "Windows". When I push a button or a swipe is detected one Window with all widgets is "slid" or animated as it moves onto the top of the current window from the right hand or left hand side of the display much like a modern day smart phone interface.

I’m looking for where to start, pointers, examples and anything that will help me create this demonstration application to evaluate Qt for our application.
I'm using Qt Creator and Qt 5.2.

I would entertain providing some sort of compensation for a working example... ;)

Thank you very much,

11th March 2014, 08:51
That might serve as a starting point: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qtquick-usecase-animations.html
