View Full Version : QwtPolar Run examples crashed

14th March 2014, 08:55
I'm using Qt 5.2 with Qwt 6.1 and QwtPolar. I have tried to compile example inside the QwtPolar package but failed.

It keep showing this error:
*** glibc detected *** /home/USER/qwtpolar/examples/bin/spectrogram: realloc(): invalid pointer: 0x00007fe0cc8df800 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
/home/USER/Qt5.2.0/5.2.0/gcc_64/lib/libQt5Core.so.5(_Z21qRegisterResourceDataiPKhS0_S0 _+0x240)[0x7fe0c9b20920]

I cant find similar error in this forum. Hope some one can help =)


14th March 2014, 09:12
This stack is 100% Qt - unrelated to any Qwt functions. So this might be more an issue with your Qt environment.


14th March 2014, 09:21
Hi Uwe,

I have tried with previous Qt projects, there are no problem for running and debugging. I have tried with Qwt examples as well.
I just installed QwtPolar and wanna try it out but failed. I keep getting this stack error.
Do I need to reinstall Qt again to solve it?

Thanks for your prompt reply.