View Full Version : QT WebKit with WebGl not Working with Qt 5.2

Viraj Bhatt
14th March 2014, 11:41
Hi All,

I have to developed sample application to see webGL supported to Qt webKit,

I want to know that, can we open webGL on QT WebKit with QT 4.8.4 or upper QT Version?

if yes, can you guide how to configure QT Webkit and How to build a same?

Viraj Bhatt

19th March 2014, 03:09
"Not working" is hardly a good description of anything.

Official Qt 5.2.0 binaries on 64-bit Linux with this code:

#include <QApplication>
#include <QWebView>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QWebView view;
return app.exec();

work just fine. (Actually exiting the program is causing issues but the web component does work)

Viraj Bhatt
24th March 2014, 05:24

It may be work on Linux, but when I tried to same code in Windows with Qt 5.2.1 OpenGL, it gives Error "No WebGL Context Detected".

can you pls, give an idea what's wrong?

gives Error :

QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glActiveTexture'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glActiveTextureARB'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glActiveTextureEXT'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glBindVertexArray'
platform\graphics\OpenGLShims.cpp(243) : WebCore::initializeOpenGLShims
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glBindVertexArrayARB'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glBindVertexArrayEXT'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glDeleteVertexArrays'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glDeleteVertexArraysARB'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glDeleteVertexArraysEXT'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glGenVertexArrays'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glGenVertexArraysARB'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glGenVertexArraysEXT'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glIsVertexArray'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glIsVertexArrayARB'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glIsVertexArrayEXT'

24th March 2014, 07:26
Looks like you do not have suitable OpenGL libraries present on your system.