View Full Version : QtQuick app fullscreen doesn't repaint itself after loosing focus

14th March 2014, 15:05
Hello everybody,

I am working currently with Qt5.2.1, QtQuick and Visual Studio 2010 under Windows.

I have found an issue concerning the fullscreen with a QtQuick app.
The problem is the app doesn't repaint itself anymore (in fullscreen mode) when it loose the focus and get it back after.

I have tested on those platforms : Windows 7 64bits, Windows Vista 32bits and Windows 8.1.
It seem to happen on Windows 7 64bits and Windows Vista 32bits. And it seem to work under Windows 8.1.

Do you have an idea to resolve this issue ?

Thank you in advance.

14th March 2014, 16:43
It would be easier if you provided a minimal example reproducing the problem.

17th March 2014, 10:26
The fullscreen is set by calling the showFullScreen() method of QQuickView class which is inherited from QWindow (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtgui/qwindow.html#showFullScreen).

A minimal example of code :

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);

QQuickView viewer;
viewer.setSource("... a qml file ...");

return app.exec();

When the app loose the focus (for example when doing Control + Escape) and it get the focus back after, the app doesn't repaint itself. The render is not updated anymore.