View Full Version : Button Like http://www.ndtv.com

20th March 2014, 04:41

I am using Qt 4.6.4 on MacOSX 10.6.8.

First of all , see the link : http://www.ndtv.com
Scroll this page to bottom, I have attached one screenshot for my requirements.

I have to create Item like screenshot ....See the screenshot's RSS, News Alerts, Mobile, Apps etc Button.
I have to create like this button, but its works like http://www.ndtv.com
I means, when mouse over 'RSS' button it animate and move to other image within this rect---Just like http://www.ndtv.com

Kindly tell me which GUI class,widget I will use to achieve this type of features. Kindly tell me the hint for me to create Button like this.


20th March 2014, 07:10
You can achieve that using QToolButtons laid on QToolBar available in QMainWindow

20th March 2014, 23:00
There are basically three options:
1. Qt Quick
2. Graphics View with QPropertyAnimation

3. Manual animation using a custom widget and QTimeLine or QPropertyAnimation

21st March 2014, 02:51
There are basically three options:
1. Qt Quick
2. Graphics View with QPropertyAnimation

3. Manual animation using a custom widget and QTimeLine or QPropertyAnimation


Thanks for the reply.
Can you send some hint or way to do this using QPropertyAnimation using QGraphicsView, because i have not used QPropertyAnimation using QGraphicsView.


21st March 2014, 07:15
In the docs of QPropertyAnimation there is a link pointing towards the description of the Animation Framework where you can find info on using it with Graphics View.