View Full Version : Cannot open include file: 'QString': No such file or directory

20th March 2014, 21:57
Hi guys,

I've been messing around with QT using this book (http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Patterns-Prentice-Software-Development/dp/0132826453/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1395352178&sr=8-1&keywords=introduction+to+design+patterns+in+c%2B%2 B+with+qt).

When I run an example using QString, I encountered this error:
Cannot open include file: 'QString': No such file or directory

Is there any path that I haven't set into Windows Environment or what?

20th March 2014, 22:45
The necessary Qt include directory paths are not in your compiler command.

Are you running make on a Makefile generated by qmake from your PRO file, or doing something else?

21st March 2014, 18:53
Finally i got it to run. Just right click on the project on the Qt Creator and select Run qmake. After that I can run the console application.