View Full Version : Led QT

24th March 2014, 14:48

I want to use Led in my HMI, there is an objet led in QT 5.

Thank you in advance

24th March 2014, 21:58
If you mean a widget that looks like an LED then the answer is no: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtwidgets/gallery.html. There are some third party offerings, QLed is one, just use your favourite search engine.
If you mean a way to control the LED on some physical device then it would depend on how the physical device interfaces to the machine.

27th March 2014, 16:31
Thanks for your response, finnaly i found an example of Led in Qt. http://qt-apps.org/CONTENT/content-files/72482-QLed-0.6.2.zip

Enjoy :)