View Full Version : Program to turn-on my webcam

25th March 2014, 08:26
Hi everyone, I want to write a program that is going to turn-on my webcam and then display whatever the webcam is pointing at on the app. But frankly, I have no idea where to start. But I am more interested in knowing how I can get a video recording as input from the webcam to one of the program functions, because I suppose that is what should happen. Any input will be greatly appreciated

25th March 2014, 09:10
I guess you can start here: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtmultimedia/qcamera.html. There is a camera capture app example in Qt installation (examples\multimediawidgets\camera);
It should work ok for basic capture.
You can always use OS-specific api, like direct show on windows or AVFoundation on mac. There are many examples on the web, just google for them.