View Full Version : SnapToGrid on multiple items

31st March 2014, 12:54
Hi all,
I have implemented the snap to grid on the QGraphicsItem but sometimes one item move and other doesn't when multi selected.
Here the code I use to snap to grid inside itemChange of QGraphicsItem :

case ItemPositionChange :
// Get the scene.
QGraphicsScene* Scene = scene();

// Check if the scene is invalid.
if( Scene == NULL )

// Cast the scene.
CEditorNodeScene* NodeScene = static_cast< CEditorNodeScene* >( Scene );

// Get the grid step.
const qreal GridStep = static_cast< qreal >( NodeScene->GetGridStep() );

// Snap to grid.
QPointF NewPos = value.toPointF();
NewPos.setX( NewPos.x() - fmod( NewPos.x(), GridStep ) );
NewPos.setY( NewPos.y() - fmod( NewPos.y(), GridStep ) );
return NewPos;

Thanks for the help