View Full Version : Running Qwt on Mac Maverics: Can't find executable

1st April 2014, 07:02
After downloading and unzipping Qwt, I open qwt.pro in Qt Creator, choose kit, and click the build/run button.
The installation directory is created, and there are several makefiles.
At the end of Qt Creator's build, it then prompts me to specify an executable, since it can't find one.
I cancel and attempt to continue with sudo make install in all directories that have makefiles.
Still no executable.

How do I get Qwt to run on Qt Creator, or just in general? I am new to both Qt and Qwt. I am on Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks.


1st April 2014, 08:38
Qwt is a library.
A library cannot be run/executed.
It is linked into a program that uses it.
That program is an executable you can run.
Nothing of that is Qt or Qwt specific of course


1st April 2014, 23:45
Ok! Thanks! That was exactly the information I was looking for!