View Full Version : What the additional argument -qws do in the qmake configuration?

11th April 2014, 19:55

Recently I came by a project developed by some other guy which required the additional argument <b>-qws</b> to be put in the "Adittional Arguments" section in Qt Creator -> Projects -> Build Steps -> qmake. Interestingly the guy that substitute me wasn't capable of explaining why this parameter should be used; he only told me I needed to always add that when doing the building of the project for embedded linux.

Now recently I did some changes in the project (essentially updating the Qwt library to 6.1.0 and removing the linkage to QwtPolar) and after lots of hours I managed to compile the project for the desktop. But when I try to compile it for the external embedded linux device, I simply can't go pass the qmake step if using -qws (interestingly, without it I can). I wouldn't bother myself if I could launch the application without it, but I'm being incapable of doing so. In this situation, I became more curious about why this -qws argument should be used in the first place.

So my question is: why the -qws?

Just to do some insight, the problem that arises when I try to run the software compiled without the -qws is ":-1: error: Unexpected output from remote process: 'Available'.".



Edit: Here is my effective qmake call (without -qws included)

qmake /home/maiquel/re8k/main_projects/interface_qt/qt_interface_v2/qt_interface_v2.pro -r -spec qws/linux-arm-g++

Notice there is a interesting "qws" there before the "/linux-arm-g++"...

14th April 2014, 14:53
Haha sorry guys, but I really would like to have an option here called "delete thread and go away silently" :)

I did a mistake: the -qws argument shouldn't placed in the qmake configuration, but in the arguments section from the run configuration of the project. Of course, I still have no idea for what it works and I'm still curious about it, but at least this explains why I was getting a problem while trying to run qmake :)