View Full Version : Qt Creator: debug into 3rd-party sources

16th April 2014, 16:39
Hi all,

I have Qt Creator set up to use a MSVC2010 kit incl. CDB debugger. I need to debug into 3rd-party sources, in particular the STL.

If, for example, I try to step into from this line

QArrayData *header = static_cast<QArrayData *>(::malloc(allocSize));

the debugger shows the call stack as

0 malloc dbgmalloc.c 55 0xf479050
1 QArrayData::allocate qarraydata.cpp 98 0x665f6a64
... <More>

but line 0 is grayed out and the editor is not populated with the source file.
As you can see from the above, general debugging is fine, with the Qt sources too.

I tried to add

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\crt\src"

to Options > Debugger > CDB Paths > Source Paths (with and without the quotes) which I verified as the correct path to the sources in question, but to no avail.

How can I configure Qt Creator such that I can source debug into these (and other) 3rd-party sources, particularly with CDB and the kit I use?