View Full Version : how to take input date from user in qdateedit and show database accordingly

3rd May 2014, 07:51
how to take input any date from user in qdateedit or calenderwidget and show database accordingly by clicking button now my code is showing databse of only current

void MainWindow::on_pushButton_2_clicked()
QCalendarWidget *calendar=new QCalendarWidget;
QDateEdit *dateedit=new QDateEdit;

QDate d=calendar->selectedDate();

int q= d.year();
QString q1=QString::number(q);
int q2=d.month();
QString q3=QString::number(q2);
int q4=d.day();
QString q5=QString::number(q4);

QSqlQueryModel *mode =new QSqlQueryModel(ui->print);
mode->setQuery(QString("select * from health10 where month(Datestamp)=\""+q3+"\" and day(Datestamp)=\""+q5+"\" and year(datestamp)=\""+q1+"\" ;"));
ui->print->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents );
ui->print->verticalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents );
ui->print-> setModel (mode);date(todays date) i want user to selct date and show data of that particular date

3rd May 2014, 16:46
If you want the user to enter a date, you need to give the user an opportunity to do so.

Show the calendar widget and connec to one of its selectionChanged() signal and then proceed with the selected date.
