View Full Version : Current version dependencies for QtPy or QtSide for Linux?

7th May 2014, 01:01
Trying to get QtPy or QtSide installed on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit.
Ubuntu does not really provide dependency support.
Can't even run tutorials.
Can anyone tell me the best way to proceed?
1. Proivde current dependencies including version numbers? (Qt version, Python version, others?)
2. Recommend giving up, uninstalling and building from scratch?
3. Use a different package?
4. Other?
Thank you,

7th May 2014, 04:02
I do not know what QtPy or QtSide are. Do you mean PyQt or PySide?

Seems to me that installing pyqt4-dev-tools and python3-pyqt4 using whatever package manager should be adequate for basic PyQt4. There are other python3-pyqt4-* packages you may want also.
You can do a similar search for "pyside"

AFAICT there are no PyQt5 packages for that version of Ubuntu.