View Full Version : QT 5.3 PaintEngine problem

13th May 2014, 03:21
Hi all,
To avoid flickering I used this way :

QPaintEngine* IRenderWidget::paintEngine() const
return NULL;

Here my constructor :

IRenderWidget::IRenderWidget( QWidget* Parent ) :
QWidget( Parent ),
m_Initialized( false ),
m_RenderWindow( NULL )
// Initialize the widget.
setMinimumSize( 320, 240 );
setAttribute( Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen );
setAttribute( Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent );
setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground );
setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
setMouseTracking( true );

// Set the timer interval.
m_Timer.setInterval( 10 );

I moved to QT 5.3 RC and then no result and if I don't override I have result but the flickering is there.
My widget is to link a 3D engine to a QWidget.
Thanks for the help

13th May 2014, 12:18
I added that like a bug, hope a fix soon.

14th May 2014, 13:49
hmm... I searched a lot and no real solution found, it's weird since QT 5.1 worked good.