View Full Version : [Qt Ambassador] QxOrm 1.2.7 and QxEntityEditor 1.1.4 released

15th May 2014, 20:00

QxOrm 1.2.7 and QxEntityEditor 1.1.4 just released !

Changes in version QxOrm 1.2.7:

New module QxModelView (http://www.qxorm.com/doxygen/html/group___qx_model_view.html) : now, all classes registered into QxOrm context can be used with Qt model/view architecture (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/modelview.html) (Qt widgets and/or QML views)
qx::IxModel (http://www.qxorm.com/doxygen/html/classqx_1_1_ix_model.html) interface provides an easy way to work on QML with QxOrm library and interact with databases
For more details about the new module QxModelView, goto the FAQ : 'How to use QxModelView module to interact with Qt model/view architecture (Qt widgets and/or QML views) ? (http://www.qxorm.com/qxorm_en/faq.html#faq_300)'
New function qx::dao::save_with_relation_recursive() (http://www.qxorm.com/doxygen/html/namespaceqx_1_1dao.html), useful to save a full tree structure for example
Remove the dependency on the STL compatibility functions in Qt (QT_NO_STL), which may not be available (thanks to KDE Plasma Media Center team for the patch)
Support database table defined into a schema (using qx::IxDataMember::setName() (http://www.qxorm.com/doxygen/html/classqx_1_1_ix_data_member.html) function)

Changes in version QxEntityEditor 1.1.4:

Improve import by ODBC plugin to manage relationship, schema and composite key for SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and MS SQL Server databases
New import from SQLite plugin to import SQLite database structure into QxEntityEditor project without having to create an ODBC DSN connexion
Improve C++ export plugin : add a set of useful methods in generated classes + option to manage relative path to QxOrm library
New menu to rename a namespace (move all entities to another namespace) and delete a list of entities by namespace
Fix a bug when executing QxEntityEditor in command line (no GUI)
Add a viewer mode to open a QxEntityEditor project with unlimited entities count without having a license key (read-only mode)


For more details about QxOrm library and QxEntityEditor application, please go to website : http://www.qxorm.com/