View Full Version : drawing a map using coordinates

26th May 2014, 06:33
We have a set of coordinates in latitute and longitute. Please help us to find the way to draw a map using a set of coordinates in qt.

26th May 2014, 07:15


26th May 2014, 07:23
thanks. but how to map the coordinates. let me know a basic example. i am very new to Qt. i want to draw a map in qt using coordinates.

26th May 2014, 10:01
I just started a project to draw spatial data with qt.
currently it supports loading data from shapefile. but it is possible to create shapes by custom points.
look at this https://github.com/folibis/qsimplespatial. may be it will be useful for you.

9th June 2014, 06:36
thaks a lot ! It would be a great help if you can provide me a basic instance of it. I have got a list of coordinates in lat and long, i want to draw a map using the same in wgs84 format.