View Full Version : Is it possible to embed web site in QML application without using webkit?

26th May 2014, 20:37

Since WebKit is not supported no mobile platforms, I wonder - is there any easy way to embed YouTube or some other web page in our applicaion when we target mobile platforms?

Best regards.

27th May 2014, 07:20
Those platforms that do not allow applications to have their own web renderer, which as far as I know currently is only iOS and Windows Phone, surely have a system web render component that applications can embed.


28th May 2014, 06:07

Thanks for reply.

Have anyone out here actually tried something like that (using native webkit from - for example - Android, inside our QT app)? How stable it is? Is there a lot of "wrapper" code required?

I'm asking this because my company will probably go mobile in the next few months, I would like to convince my boss to try QT instead of Dalvik (Android will be the main platform), however when I look on what we are doing now, I know that - for example - Google Maps will have to be embeded in our apps, some other pages probably as well, and since right now WebKit is a no-go on mobile platforms, I would like to know how much work is required to use platform specific web engine.

I really hope QT-5.4 or 5.5 will finally introduce something like WebKitPortable, it can have basic functionality only, but it must be cross platform (I know this will probably require using platform specific wrappers but there is probably no way around it), it is simply a must have for mobile development.

28th May 2014, 07:24
There seems to be conflicting information on the web regarding WebKit support on Android.

One would assume that it works there given that it is also the systems web renderer and Android not being one of the close platforms that do not allow applications to do web rendering.

In fact I found a reference to Qt WebKit being available on the Necessitas page http://necessitas.kde.org/necessitas/qt4_webkit.php
But other Google hits indicate that it is not. Maybe a matter of Qt version.


28th May 2014, 08:40

I think webkit was supported (at least partially) on QT4 but is no longer supported on QT5, on anything other then desktop.