View Full Version : How to specify Symbol position in the QwtPlotMarker?

4th June 2014, 16:45
Hi, everybody!
I am using QwtPlotMarker(VLine). I want to add symbol to the marker and I want that symbol to be on the bottom of the marker. For label I would use QwtPlotMarker::setLabelAlignment(Qt::AlignBottom) function. Is there anything like that for Symbol?

5th June 2014, 08:02
QwtSymbol::setPinPoint() ... maybe
I never used that method before.. Once time permits I will look at it more closely

5th June 2014, 18:59
Cah, thank you for your reply. I have read qwt_plot_marker source code and found the solution. Symbol vertical position specified by marker.setYvalue(double y) function.