View Full Version : Qt Creator QTCREATORBUG-5456 not really fixed?

5th June 2014, 06:25

I am using a local enum in a class member function and auto-complete does not recognize the tokens. The code compiles fine of course. This was supposedly address in QTCREATORBUG-5456 (https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTCREATORBUG-5456) but it seems they only fixed it for 'normal' functions.

e.g. enum Autocomplete works in this example

void foo() {
enum {val1, val2, val3};

int var = val1;

Does not work here:

void myclass::foo() {
enum {val1, val2, val3};

int var = val1;

I am using qtCreator v3.1.0 and MinGW v4.8.2 on win7x64.
Does anyone else see this or is there some other obscure reason for this not to work?
I don't know how to raise this issue with the Qt developers, can someone who has access bring it up?

Thanks for any help,