View Full Version : Change initial number of QTableView Vertical Header

12th June 2014, 14:56
Hello all

I need to change the initial number of a QTableView vertical header to start with 0, not with 1

How can I do that?


12th June 2014, 15:27


12th June 2014, 18:45
Hello anda_skoa, thank you for your reply. I didnt understand. Could you give am example?

12th June 2014, 23:07
The header data, for columns and rows, is delivered by the model, just like the content of the cells.

The default implementation of a table model returns numbers beginnig at 1 for the vertical direction header.
Your model needs to return the row value it self.

You can do that by either modifying the model or using a QIdentityProxyModel that does that and use your actual model at the proxy's source model.


17th June 2014, 14:04

for(int i = 0; i < modelo->rowCount(); i++)
modelo->setHeaderData(i, Qt::Vertical, i);

19th June 2014, 01:30

for(int i = 0; i < modelo->rowCount(); i++)
modelo->setHeaderData(i, Qt::Vertical, i);

What was suggested by anda_skoa was to override your model's headerData() method. The snippet below would return a header value for each row that is the row number minus 1 for each vertical header:

QAbstractItemModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const
if (orientation == Qt::Vertical && role == Qt::DisplayRole)
return QString::number(section - 1);

// add logic for your horizontal headers here, etc else just return an empty QVariant

return QVariant();

I'm not sure where in your code you are setting all of the header data items, but if you have lots of rows, the headerData implementation will perform much better and is cleaner IMHO.

Good luck,
