View Full Version : building QJson

14th June 2014, 18:04

I am not sure if this is the write forum to poste this question since it is not directly Qt with which I have a problem. I am trying to install QJson on my mac so that my Qt app can send requests to google maps. I followed the procedures on the QJson website. But at the following command line :

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=_preferred_path

I get cmake: command not found. I don't really understand which path I should use. Upon finding some information on other forums I think it has to do with qmake, but using the same path as qmake produces the same result.

Or maybe the path isn't even the problem?

17th June 2014, 09:39
If the cmake/qmake command is not found, make sure it is installed and in $PATH of the shell you run the command in.

The path specified as an argument is the place where QJSON should be installed to.

You should also consider using Qt5, it has JSON as part of the core library.
