View Full Version : Model/view tutorial for PySide/PyQt

11th July 2014, 14:50
I am working through the Qt documentation tutorial on Model/View:
As usual, it is better than the documentation with PyQt, PySide. It says that each tutorial should be found in:
examples/tutorials/modelview directory. Most of the Qt tutorials from C++ have been ported to PySide, but I cannot find this directory in my PySide distribution.

Does anyone know if the modelview tutorials have been ported to PySide, and if so, where I can find them? I'm presently trying to translate from C++, but it isn't the most efficient (I am not a C++ programmer by any means).

24th January 2015, 04:01
Those haven't but many others have (e.g., simpletreemodel, etc)).

I have written up somewhat extensive overview of simpletreemodel, am posting in increments: