View Full Version : How to show version info by right clicking a Qt executable file in Linux?

17th July 2014, 08:09
Have seen this thread: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2784697/setting-application-info-in-qt?lq=1
But they have done it on Windows.

What should I do to achieve the same effect on Linux.

I want to right click the executable of my Qt project and see a version number there.

17th July 2014, 10:12
I do not believe the same thing can be done on Linux because such information is not part of the ELF binary format. However, desktop environments usually invoke user applications through .desktop files -- that share some similarity with Windows' shortcuts -- which can specify things like an application name and a version. You can check out the spec of this format (http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html), or Google for some tutorials on how to bundle them with your app.

18th July 2014, 07:44
Thankfull for the info.