View Full Version : IDE-like interface

8th August 2014, 18:52
Greetings, I'm a bit of a hobbyist programmer in a few languages, and am now finally stepping up to real application developement.
Was giving Qt a shot and I must say its very good for rapid GUI building on linux.

What I'm working on is pretty analogous to an IDE, in that you chose a 'project file' which is read in and sets up the project paths and such.

I'm having issue with a portion of it, in that I can't figure out how to pass information from the project file into a subwindow of the application;
Current code:

void MainWindow::file_open_project()
QString projectFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
this, tr("Open Project"),
QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::D ocumentsLocation),
tr("Project files (*.proj)"));

void MainWindow::load_project(QString projectFile)
QFileInfo project(projectFile);
QString projectPath = project.absolutePath();
QSettings *projectSettings = new QSettings(projectPath+"/Project", QSettings::IniFormat, this);

void MainWindow::archiveAction()
ArchiveEditor *archiveEditor = new ArchiveEditor(this, &archiveFile);

ArchiveEditor::ArchiveEditor(QWidget *parent, QString *file)
:QWidget(parent, Qt::Window)
setWindowTitle(tr("Archive Editor"));


void ArchiveEditor::loadArchive(const QString &file)
QFile archiveFile = QFile(file);
if (!archiveFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly))
tr("File read error"), tr("Cannot open file: ") + file);

ArchiveEditor obviously doesn't do much atm, I'm just trying to figure out how to pass something from the Project.ini file into a subwindow to tell it which archive to load.

9th August 2014, 09:03
Aside from this not compliing due to trying to copy QFile, what is your actual question?

This looks more or less OK, though I wouldn't pass the QString as a pointer (it is a value class and can easily be copied) and making a dialog modal is a lot easier by just calling QDialog::exec(), i.e. not need to set the modality flag.


9th August 2014, 14:14
Heh, I feel kinda dumb now; problem was I was parsing the settings file wrong; it had one of those ini [SubSections] and was not taking that into account XD