View Full Version : QwtPlotLegendItem and content being cut

27th August 2014, 21:43

I'm using some QwtPlotLegendItem as legends for some of my plot and what is happening is that, in some of them (where the legend string is a little long), part of the content is being cut. I tried to change all the configuration parameters without success (it doesn't matter the margin or spacing size, the content continues to be cut). It would seem its a failure in the methods that calculate the required space for drawing the legend.

Any tips on how to solve this?



Obs.: I can't put a screen shot because the problem only arises when I run the software in a embedded linux device; when I rut it in the desktop, the interface doesn't appear correctly and, in that, the problem doesn't appear.

Obs.: I did some studies by putting a longer string where the previous was cut and I found out that this time not only the string was not cut, but a long empty space was being placed after (at the right side) of it. Then I returned back to the original string and the problem returned. Finally, I added a white space after the string and now it is appearing correctly. Nevertheless, its obvious that this is a wrong "work around" and I'ld still like to know correct this problem properly.