View Full Version : discovery of virtual serial ports (not listed in device manager)

28th August 2014, 19:34

I am using a SeaLevel Ethernet serial provider to make 232 ports for an XP machine. I can putty traffic no problem, but on my GUI I use qtserialport and it only finds the hard ports on the machine. Are there any other qt discovery tools I should be using to find an open a virtual port?


28th August 2014, 21:20
If Windows cannot enumerate a COM port then Qt cannot either.
Have you done the equivalent of steps 5 onward from the Quick Start guide?

You could try blindly opening COMx even though you cannot enumerate it.

29th August 2014, 08:27
You can check existence of some records in Registry: HKLM\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM
If there are names of your ports, then the QSerialPortInfo (from Qt 5.3.1 and above) will show its (i.e. those serial ports are not displayed in DeviceManager).