View Full Version : Qt Creator Deploying to Multiple Devices

5th September 2014, 01:20
Qt Creator seems to assume that you only need to deploy to a single device. For most people this holds true, there is one device there on your workbench. But in my case I have a several devices in the lab, all identical embedded Linux systems but with different IP addresses. Is there a simple way to support multiple devices with a single kit? Or do I need to create a kit for each device?


5th September 2014, 05:49
You can create a custom deploy step that will deploy to additional devices. The real target will still serve for debugging.

5th September 2014, 19:23
It's not "additional" devices, but separate independent targets. Developers don't have their individual devices, there's a pool in the software lab. If my coworker is in the lab using system Alpha, then I should not deploy and debug on Alpha. I'll need to deploy/debug to Beta instead.

6th September 2014, 08:04
Ah, ok. But still you can use the same approach by providing many build configurations, one for each target. The user can then choose the target of their choice from the list of build configurations. With such approach be will have to choose run configuration separately that matches the build configuration. A different approach could be to do it on a different level by mapping IP addresses on a node where the traffic passes through. You could provide some visual interface for users to register for such mappings.