View Full Version : ide on 64bit windows 7 for 32bit Linux (Debian 2.2) C++ development (console ap.)

8th September 2014, 04:32
Good time, everybody!
I need to develop an application (no gui) targeted for x86 industrial computer running Debian 2.2. I have Windows 7 pro running on my 64-bit instrumental computer.
While not quite well-versed in CLI, I'm looking for IDE (newbie friendly). Several times I came across opinion that Qt Creator is a perfect choice even for C++ console application development. Could anybody please help me to get started: What to install, in what order, how to set it up, etc. I don't mind to research (even prefer), but the time constraints won't let me. Appreciate any advice.

8th September 2014, 06:46
Wow, developing for a 12 year old system is not going to be fun.

Anyway, the installer for Qt on Windows is pretty straight forward, common wizard/assistant style.

It has quite good support for cross-compiling, deployment to a device and remote debugging: http://qt-project.org/doc/qtcreator-3.2/creator-building-running.html

How difficult that is depends on the device and the device vendor's toolchain.
