View Full Version : Build own GUI Designer

16th September 2014, 09:47

how can I build my own simple "GUI" Designer in a Qt application like the Qt Creator?

What I need:
- Drag buttons to the interface
- Move buttons
- Change button position and name in a property window

Is there any examples or what is the best way to do that?

Thanks, Tobi

16th September 2014, 10:32
Qt Creator is itself the biggest example !
Check out its source code :-)

16th September 2014, 16:05

how can I build my own simple "GUI" Designer in a Qt application like the Qt Creator?

What I need:
- Drag buttons to the interface
- Move buttons
- Change button position and name in a property window

Is there any examples or what is the best way to do that?

Thanks, Tobi

That seems like a complex task. All depends how complex it really is compared to what it sounds :) A simple tool for positioning, moving and resizing items can easily be implemented using Graphics View (take a look at the Diagram Scene example bundled with Qt). If you require something much more complex then you should learn as much of Qt as possible first to learn tools you have and their capabilities before devoting yourself to a really complex app.