View Full Version : Extend QML Image

27th September 2014, 16:40

How can I extend the QML Image element? I want to override paint method to draw a rounded image.

27th September 2014, 20:28

How can I extend the QML Image element? I want to override paint method to draw a rounded image.

You cannot do that this way (by extending), at least with QtQuick2 (Qt5). But what you can do is to apply a shader effect that will mask the image with the shape of your choice. You can either apply a fragment shader program directly or you can use OpacityMask item from QtGraphicalEffects to use a rounded rect as a mask for your image.

By the way, in QtQuick 2 there is no "paint method" for Qt Quick items. Drawing is done by constructing a scene graph consisting of OpenGL primitives that render the item.

28th September 2014, 16:56
Is there any way to do this with qt4 and QtQuick 1.0?

Thank you :)

28th September 2014, 20:58
In QtQuick 1 all items are derived from QGraphicsItem so you can override the paint() method for them. It should be quite straightforward to implement a custom image item, e.g. using QGraphicsEffect.

29th September 2014, 07:38
In QtQuick2 it is possible to paint an item with the traditiona QPainter API using QQuickPaintedItem.


29th September 2014, 07:45
In QtQuick2 it is possible to paint an item with the traditiona QPainter API using QQuickPaintedItem.

Only for completely custom items, not for extending built-in ones. And even then you are painting on a texture that is later passed to a node in the graph and continues along the same path.

29th September 2014, 09:33
Right, just wanted to make sure this option is also known.


29th September 2014, 09:55
Right, just wanted to make sure this option is also known.
Sure, I just wanted to make sure we don't get a question about extending existing QtQuick2 items with QPainter ;)

29th September 2014, 15:16
In QtQuick 1 all items are derived from QGraphicsItem so you can override the paint() method for them. It should be quite straightforward to implement a custom image item, e.g. using QGraphicsEffect.

Ok, this is whati I've done so far:

void RoundImage::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)
QImage image(m_url.url());
QBrush brush(image);

int h = m_explicitSourceSize ? m_sourcesize.height() : image.height();
int w = m_explicitSourceSize ? m_sourcesize.width() : image.width();

QPen pen;

painter->drawRoundedRect(0, 0, w, h, w/2, h/2);

and the m_url is a QUrl.

The problem is that I don't know how to load an image or pixmap from an url and I need to use a QUrl because the source can be an image provider too

29th September 2014, 15:22
The QDeclarativeEngine instance has a QNetworkAccessManager instance you can use.