View Full Version : Invoke method inherited from interface

2nd October 2014, 19:29
I created interface with single function and added Q_INVOKABLE before that function
When i use the object that implements this interface, take its metaObject(), and iterate on metaObject().method(i) there is no methodSignature() that matches the one that is inherited from the interface.
Am i doing it wrong or Is this possible at all?

3rd October 2014, 08:55
Use Q_INVOKABLE in derived class also.

Edit: or make this function virtual.

3rd October 2014, 09:48
I created interface with single function and added Q_INVOKABLE before that function
When i use the object that implements this interface, take its metaObject(), and iterate on metaObject().method(i) there is no methodSignature() that matches the one that is inherited from the interface.
Am i doing it wrong or Is this possible at all?

Show the code please.