View Full Version : QSqlTableModel::removeRows returns false

26th October 2014, 08:33
Hi everyone,
I am currently trying to make simple program to connect to a sql database, since I want to have several tables with relationships I decided to try and subclass QSqlTableModel, but I encountered some problems. What I want to do is use the original removeRows to clear the Main table I work on and then add a little bit of code to remove the related data from the other tables; but for some reason when I try to do removeRows I always get false. I also tried calling directly the original method without subclassing it but I still get false.
Here is the code I use to call removeRows:

int row = dbTableView->currentIndex().row();

On the other hand if I subclass removeRows and basically copy the method from the original code I am able to delete the record without problems. So basically if I use this code:

bool MySqlTableModel::removeRows(int row,int count, const QModelIndex &parent){

if (parent.isValid() || row < 0 || count <= 0)
return false;

int i;
switch (editStrategy()) {
case OnFieldChange:
case OnRowChange:
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (row + i == insertIndex)
qDebug()<<"Should revert row";
else if (!QSqlTableModel::deleteRowFromTable(row + i))
return false;
case OnManualSubmit:
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
int idx = row + i;
if (idx >= rowCount())
return false;

return true;

Also if I just call deleteRowFromTable I am successful and it returns true.
What could be returning me false when I call the original method through QSqlTableModel::removeRows()?
I am using Qt 5.2.1 on a Mac OSX Mavericks.
Thank you very much

29th October 2014, 18:42
Hi everyone,
I realise the post is a bit vague but I do not know how to explain myself more clearly. Is there anything I can add to make the situation clearer and maybe attract more solutions? :)
Thank you very much

29th October 2014, 19:35
What is the value of "row" before your original removeRows() call. The table view can have no current index.

30th October 2014, 08:29
I tried both using the current index (which always returned a valid number) and I also tried calling removeRows() directly with a number. Also I added a

qDebug()<<"Invalid Row"

within the initial if check but the message is never displayed.

31st October 2014, 13:25
Ok if anyone happens to have the same problem (I highly doubt it :) ) I created a new project and copied the code line by line to see where the problem was. Apparently I had forgotten to add QSqlTableModel::submit() at the end of my custom submit function, and that was the problem. For some reason the other functions (Insert update etc.) were not affected by this problem.

25th June 2021, 13:55
Ok if anyone happens to have the same problem (I highly doubt it :) ) I created a new project and copied the code line by line to see where the problem was. Apparently I had forgotten to add QSqlTableModel::submit() at the end of my custom submit function, and that was the problem. For some reason the other functions (Insert update etc.) were not affected by this problem.

m_qsqlTableModel.removeRows(0, m_qsqlTableModel.rowCount()) (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsqltablemodel.html#removeRows)
was returning false.
I found this in documentation:

For OnFieldChange and OnRowChange, only one row may be deleted at a time and only if no other row has a cached change. Deletions are submitted immediately to the database. The model retains a blank row for successfully deleted row until refreshed with select().

My final solution:

while (m_tableModel->rowCount()) {