View Full Version : Postgre driver mistic in windows

13th March 2007, 10:10
He he..I thinked all problems with it leaved in Qt3, but i see that its wrong :mad:
So i'll try explain...I did all steps from QAssistant for compiled postgre driver under windows...In first case qmake was fine, but nmake sad something like that : "can't include file libpq-fe.h"..But i give it path in qmake ! I didn't want corect path in qt driver source, than i just saved path to include and libs into windows sytem vars and reboot machine..
After that i try do qmake again and ....em...expalin me what is it ?

c:\Qt\4.2.2\src\plugins\sqldrivers\psql\psql.pro:9 : Parse Error ('first: all')
Error processing project file: psql.pro

Why my pro file is damage ?
First lines of pro file...

################################################## ###########################
# Makefile for building: qsqlpsql
# Generated by qmake (2.01a) (Qt 4.2.2) on: ?? 13. ??? 20:38:20 2007
# Project: psql.pro
# Template: lib
# Command: qmake -win32 -o psql.pro psql.pro
################################################## ###########################

first: all
install: debug-install release-install
uninstall: debug-uninstall release-uninstall

13th March 2007, 10:18
What exactly did you pass to configure.exe in the first place?

13th March 2007, 13:15
configure.exe.....i use it only when i install Qt4 lib. I really dont remember what i passed to it...But after installing library i have qt postgre driver sources and pro file
Now i use qmake and nmake that i read in documentation

qmake -o Makefile "INCLUDEPATH+=C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\include" "LIBS+=C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\lib\ms\l
ibpq.lib" psql.pro

and then
