View Full Version : Can not use Lua in QtCreator

1st November 2014, 13:08

I try to run Lua scripts in QtCreator.
I did that to my .pro file (screen)

but it crashes when I try to run:
void MainWindowT::initLUA()

lua_State* pL=lua_open(); if(!pL) qFatal(“LUA cannot be initialized.”); luaL_openlibs(pL); luaL_dofile( pL,“hello.lua” );

at luaL_dofile( pL,“hello.lua” );.

U can see that error and pro gile at screen:

files included to project I took from Lua installed at my computer.

if I comment line with luaL_dofile it works.
IDK what to do,
Plz help me if u can.

1st November 2014, 17:04
I try to run Lua scripts in QtCreator.

You are modifying QtCreator?

but it crashes when I try to run:

How can you run it if it doesn't build?


1st November 2014, 20:02
The error message is because your linker cannot find the library, most probably because your PRO file does not contain a correct LIBS entry.