View Full Version : (SOLVED) QT executable for Windows plataform plugin ERROR

7th November 2014, 06:42
I've compiled my app in release mode and copied all *.dll need for it to work.
My executable file works in this PC without any problem, but when i copy to any other PC i get this message:

The application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt plataform plugin "windows".

Reinstall the application may fix this problem.

Shouldn't my app work fine in other PCs with all *.dll files and without QT installation?

Thank you in advance.

7th November 2014, 09:22
Got it.

I have created a "platforms" folder and inside placed "qminimal.dll" "qoffscreen.dll" and "qwindows.dll".
Beside that in the exe folder ive created an qt.conf with the followng code
