View Full Version : Compile error in Qt 5.3.2

9th November 2014, 14:53
I've installed Qt version 5.3.2 and I have installed VS 2013
But when I compile the code in QT
Give me the following error
Please help if anyone knows what the problem was

11:50:05: Running steps for project untitled...
11:50:05: Configuration unchanged, skipping qmake step.
11:50:05: Could not start process "nmake.exe"
Error while building/deploying project untitled (kit: Desktop Qt 5.3 MSVC2013 OpenGL 64bit)
When executing step "Make"
11:50:05: Elapsed time: 00:00.

This image link error (http://8pic.ir/images/db34nuro7fd19bm826nk.jpg) : http://8pic.ir/images/db34nuro7fd19bm826nk.jpg

9th November 2014, 20:40
Your environment is not set up correctly and nmake (part of the VS install) is not on the path.