View Full Version : compile errors qwtpolar 1.1.1 msvc 2012

14th November 2014, 10:30
I'm trying to compile qwtpolar 1.1.1. I'm using msvc 2012, Qt 5.2.1 and Qwt 6.1.0. The instructions say run qmake on qwtpolar.pro (no problem), nmake and nmake install. When I hit nmake, it can't find the qwt include libraries. I made sure the include and library paths for Qwt are in System Variables PATH. I'll be the first to admit that I'm an idiot when it comes to compiling with a command line interface. I've done it once (Qwt) and needed a ton of help then. I've asked some of my co-workers and the ones I got to look at it didn't have a clue either. I need to get this done soon, it's holding me up on a project I'm working on. If someone is willing to do it, I basically need detailed instructions that a five year old could follow. Thanks in advance. BTW, I have searched these forums and google for a day and a half now and the (very) few answers I found made no sense, they assumed some knowledge that I don't have, so I'm not just being lazy :)

17th November 2014, 09:58
We finally figured out the problem. Before running qmake, you have to create a new system variable, QMAKEFEATURES with the values of the path to the Qwt qwt.prf file and the QwtPolar qwtpolar.prf file. They can be found in the top level folder of each program. In my case these were C:/qwt-6.1.1 and C:/qwtpolar-1.1.1

25th October 2016, 09:29
Hello, I work on a new project and I have to use qt, qwtpolar et qwtplot3d with visual studio c++ 2010. As you I can compile qt-open-source-4.7.3 and it’s work in Visual studio. But I have to use also qwtpolar and qwtplot3D.
So I do the same operation for this 2 solutions :
cd C:\UTOX\QT\qwtpolar
when I start the nmake a fatal error nmake appear.

I try to the QMAKEFEtURES variable and re start the compile of qt but it is always impossible to compile the others library.

So can you help me ?
In your explications I don’t understand where the environment variable is used ?
Please help me !