View Full Version : Extendable / customisable UI using Designer

14th November 2014, 11:25
I don't know if it makes sense..

Is it possible for a UI to 'inherit' from another UI? (By UI, I mean the generated UI class for a .ui designer form)

Basically, I have to create multiple dialogs, which have some common content, and some separate content as well.
Normally, I want to keep the common content in a 'base class', and inherit the other dialogs from the common dialog.

Is this possible using Qt Designer and form files?

14th November 2014, 12:00
you can use QUiLoader to load ui files at runtime, don't know if that is what you are looking for

14th November 2014, 12:57
Depending on your layouting needs, maybe but the base components into widgets and then use these in your dialogs?

Most simple way is to use the "promote widget" feature on a place holder widget.
