View Full Version : Command Prompt command through Qt Application

19th November 2014, 11:41
I have a command in command prompt which works the following way.

C:\Program Files\Speex>speexenc M_01E.wav new.spx

With this command I am successfully able to perform a file conversion.

How can I implement this command through Qt?
I read that it can be done through QProcess but i am not able to perform it.
I am doing this right now.

QProcess proc;
proc.start("/C:/Program Files/Speex/speexenc M_01E.wav new.spx");

But it's not working.
What am I missing out?

Please Help.

19th November 2014, 12:44
First slash (before C:) is a mistype or You have it in real code ?

19th November 2014, 18:00
And you need to pass the arguments as a list. second argument of start().


20th November 2014, 04:50
Hello Sir,

I tried the suggestions you gave along with some further research online. Now I'm just trying to open the wav file first and I have done this.
I found this on one of the forums on Stackoverflow. But even that is not working.
Here is my code:

QProcess proc;
QString command = "C:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe";
QStringList arguments =
QStringList() << "/c" << "C:\\Program Files\\Speex\\M_01E.wav";
proc.start(command, arguments);

What am i missing out now Sir?

20th November 2014, 06:03
Please try this :

QProcess proc;
QString command = "C:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe";
QStringList arguments =
QStringList() << "/c" << "C:\\Program Files\\Speex\\speexenc M_01E.wav new.spx";
proc.start(command, arguments);

Best regards,


20th November 2014, 06:54
Still not working.

21st November 2014, 06:23
Do you get any errors?
What is the return code?
