View Full Version : QFileDialog freezes

20th November 2014, 14:18
Hey guys!

I got the fllowing problem, which is new for me. I want the user to enter a file location and file name, that I can use to create a file obviously. I got the following code for this:

void SpacecraftDataView::saveToFile(){

QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Save Data", "", "Textdatei (*.txt);;All Files(*)");

QTextDocumentWriter writer(fileName);
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Unable to write to file"), "Writing to file was not possible.");
//! \todo something here


Note it does not execute past the getSaveFileName part. This does open a QFileDialog which then freezes in the middle of its execution, see screenshot:


So what am I doing wrong?

21st November 2014, 10:33
have you tried to set a start folder for the dialog?

22nd November 2014, 01:37
Try putting "*.*" in your "All Files" filter. It's possible that's what is causing the hangup. If you don't specify a starting directory, it will default to the app's current directory.

24th November 2014, 14:46
I tried both and it was both not helping.

What did solve the problem was setting the option

So I suppose there is something interfering with Qts Native Dialog. I suspect it is some kind of Plugin, though I dont know a way how to find that plugin. Any Ideas?

24th November 2014, 20:14
The native dialog is not part of Qt but part of your operating system/window manager. Once Qt opens that dialog what it does as it initialises is not within Qt control.