View Full Version : Qt Quick button mousearea issue

20th November 2014, 18:51

This is a working code, i just want some advise:


property alias text: label.text
property bool pressed: false

property int btnHeight: Functions.buttonHeight

id: button
height: btnHeight

id: rec
anchors.fill: parent
color: pressed ? "#226EEA" : "#1150B7"

Text {
id: label
color: "white"


id: doneBtn
text: qsTr("Done")

anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
//some codes
onPressed: { doneBtn.pressed = true }
onReleased: { doneBtn.pressed = false }

Here are my questions:
1. I'm having problem when I put a mouse area on Button.qml, it will be overriden by the mouse area set from other file. I wanted to put the onPressed and onReleased in Button.qml, so that I don't have to write it down in every mouse area of each buttons.
2. I read somewhere that it is advisable not to put mouse area in reuseable elements, is that correct?
3. Can you please advise how to revise the code, not exactly an actual code but some tips.


21st November 2014, 06:34
You could
1) make the Button a MouseArea instead of Item
2) Put a MouseArea into the button, add signals to your item and then call your signals from the internal mouse area.

Mostly depends on whether you are OK with the code using the button having access to other MouseArea features.


21st November 2014, 09:47
You could
1) make the Button a MouseArea instead of Item
2) Put a MouseArea into the button, add signals to your item and then call your signals from the internal mouse area.

Mostly depends on whether you are OK with the code using the button having access to other MouseArea features.


Thanks for the advise anda_skoa!