View Full Version : is JavaScript necessary for QML???

22nd November 2014, 17:55
hi all
i read from many users that some of them says YES and Other ones Says NO.
i want to know is javascript or css is need to learn qml??
thank you in advance

23rd November 2014, 12:50
The answer to this is not a straight forward yes or no.

The QML engine is built around a JavaScript engine, so QML always has access to that.
In this sense it is a necessary dependency.

But as a developer you don't need to use JavaScript as a programming language in order to work with QML.
I.e. the amount of JavaScript code that one would at worst really need is calling an existing function or doing conditional assignments.

Mght even be possible without these two but a lot less convenient and very atypical for QML usage.

You definitely don't need CSS, that is a HTML related technology.


23rd November 2014, 20:07
I agree however if you start doing complex things with QML, knowledge of how JavaScript works is a valuable skill.