View Full Version : Table header style state

19th December 2014, 21:20
This should be simple and I should probably know the answer, but I don't.

When one selects a row in a table the row changes to a selected state and the header changes to some state as well. The header is buttons, so would that be a "pressed" state?

It's not high up on the priority list, just annoying and ugly. Somewhere else in the app there is a stylesheet clocking the header display (Stylesheets are like photon torpedos with a 12 galaxy range...bad bad bad bad). If someone happens to know what state/condition it is that would save a bit of trial and error trying to block the damage in the stylesheet for the header.


19th December 2014, 23:46
Don't know about a style sheet, but would setting QHeaderView::highlightSections() to false do it?

21st December 2014, 16:14
It may not be the "correct" method, but it certainly worked!